Friday 31 July 2009

A day in the LiFe

I've just been on Ali Edwards site, she has given instructions on how to do overlays on your photos. This is my attempt, quite like it, might do a little mini album one day.
This is cooper in his cute little dressing down from pumpkin patch he only loves it because it has a puppy on it, and he loves wearing the hood. It's only when he is super cold that he allows me to put it on him.
On my other post I had big ideas for a photo over the holidays but that didn't happen, kids, sickness etc. Maybe when i have time i'll do it.
Leave a message if you visit that way I know I'm not just talking to myself:)

Friday 3 July 2009

My Jayden

What a great young man he's turning out to be. He's not to well at the moment, he has the flu and temps, I've been laying in my bed with him. He really is a great son, I'm so proud of him. Coop can't say his name he rattles off all our names mummy deane daddy deane, cayla deane and when you keep asking him who's this his only answer is "him deane". When he wants Jayden he normally says "him". Hope he starts feeling better so he can enjoy the holidays.